HOMEWORK: Prepare for the Light and Shadows Quiz

Over the past few weeks, we have been exploring concepts relating to Light and Shadows. Students will have their first quiz of the year on Wednesday, October 6. In class, we have reviewed all of the material that will be on the quiz. Here is what students will be assessed on: 

- be aware that the sun can damage your eyes and provide ways to keep your eyes safe from the sun
- explain that light travels in a straight line unless reflected (bounced) or refracted (bent)
- describe changes to shadows depending on the angle of the light source (ex: shadows on the pavement)
- describe how shadows change based on if the object is opaque or transparent; classify objects as opaque, translucent, or transparent
- explain that light can be broken into the colours of the rainbow through refraction (ex: with a prism)

Key vocabulary is highlighted.

To prepare, students can share experiments we tried in class with their families at home. Teaching someone else a concept is always a great way to check your own understanding. Some examples might be: 
- showing how shadows change when you move the light source (from side to side or growing bigger or smaller)
- doing chalk outlines throughout the day like we did on the compound
- testing materials to see if they are opaque, translucent or transparent

Students can also re-watch the videos posted previous (click here to visit our other blog post)

If you have questions, please contact me.

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