Light and Shadow Experiments
Science: I can record observations in a clear and organized way. I can discover and explain the predictability of light and shadows. I can observe and connect with nature.
Math: I can measure accurately.
Yesterday, we explored light and shadows in a few different ways. One way we experimented was by drawing a chalk outline of our shadows on the compound. We used our Measurement skills to observe how they changed throughout the day.
"I was surprised to know that some of the shadows were the same as us. For example, if you put your hand on your head, it was reflected in your shadow." ~ Iggy
"The shadow started to grow smaller and smaller as we were working because the sun started growing higher and higher in the sky." ~ Vance
"One time, I wasn't moving and then all of a sudden, my shadow moved. I was trying to get back into the exact pose where the chalk was but it didn't work because it was different because the sun was moving." ~ Seb C
"It didn't surprise me that the shadows were long but what surprised me was that they were very skinny. I think it's because of the angle of the sun." ~ Hazel
"I was right that early in the morning they were longer." ~ Seb K
Here is how we kept track of our observations in an organized way. Ms Elder encouraged us to come back this weekend in the evening (like, around 5:30 or 6:00 pm) to see how are shadows have changed.
Next, we explored some light and shadows centres. One centre taught us how to tell which way the earth spins by using a flashlight and a globe. Another centre had prisms for us to see light refracting. Ms Elder led a third centre where she read us a story where she projected the picture of the book as a shadow on the ceiling. We learned how shadows change as you move the light closer or further away from the book, or side-to-side. We also learned some light vocabulary: opaque, transluscent, and transparent.
Here are two videos we watched to learn about light:
To learn more about how shadows change, watch this NEW video (not shown in class):