Science: I can observe and connect with nature; I can reflect on observations, notice changes & patterns. Art: I can create realistic drawings. I can explore colour. Yesterday, we went on a Community Walk so that we could learn about and capture the fall colours through art. On the walk, we saw Canadian geese, a magpie nest, a chickadee, a northern flicker (and some dinosaurs!). "On some of the trees, some of the leaves were still changing colours. On the same tree, we saw yellow and green." ~ Rochael "On the leaves, when the leaves start to turn red or yellow, they start on the outside." ~ Sebastian K "I realized that when the leaves start to change colour, the top left of the tree was yellow and other parts were still green." ~ Dillon "Some leaves that I found were kind of looking like a tree that was set on fire." ~ Sebastian C "When I was walking, I noticed that some trees had almost lost all of their leaves." ~ Callie "...