HOMEWORK: Prepare for the Area Quiz

Hi Parents and Guardians,

This is a quick note to let you know that students will have a quiz on Friday, October 22 to check in on their Area skills for Math. Here are the concepts they should be prepared to demonstrate: 

- recognize and explain that area is measured in square units
- count the area of a given shape and record the answer in proper units (ex: cm2)
- draw shapes to match a given area
- demonstrate that different rectangles can have the same area by constructing
- use mathematical vocabulary when explaining understanding

Key Vocabulary Words: area, measure, square units, calculate, total

If students are wishing to have some extra practice, they can listen to this song and sing along (click here)watch this video (click here), or play the games I posted on our Google Classroom.

This quiz will only be one way that I'm assessing student understanding of Area. They are also in the midst of creating a Zoo design to show their understanding.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

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