Multiplying Larger Numbers
Math: I can develop strategies to solve Multiplication equations.
This week in Math, we built upon our foundational knowledge of number and multiplication by exploring larger equations. Students from both grades worked with equations that were 2-digit by 1-digit. Then, the Grade 5s continued on to work with 2-digit by 2-digit equations.
We explored the Distributive Property strategy where you can break a number down into its tens and ones places. This makes it easier to multiply and shows flexible mathematical thinking.
Here's a look at expanded form and "the box" strategy that the Grade 5's used to solve 2-digit by 2-digit.
Expanded Form and "The Box" |
Parents are often confused by this strategy because it's different from what we adults learned in school. But, it actually shows a great deal of understanding of place value and number concepts. All of the students who participated in this lesson caught on quickly and were successful with this strategy. If you have a child in Grade 5, I encourage you to ask them to teach you this method.
It's easy to see how knowing your basic facts (up to 9x9) becomes very useful when working with larger numbers. Please continue to practice those facts. There is a game called Multiplication Luck that is posted in the Google Classroom. We also learned a new game this week called Array Capture that the students enjoyed. Both practice those basic facts up to 6x6.
As an optional challenge, some students enjoyed testing out the box strategy with even larger numbers! Below is the challenge question with the steps we were working on in class. I have not shared the answer here in case they'd like to try to figure it out at home themselves. :) Again, this is an optional challenge.
Have a great weekend,