Fact Families

Math: I can demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between Multiplication and Division. 

For the last two weeks in Math, we have been exploring what Division is, how it is related to Multiplication, and how to use the Multiplication facts we know to solve Division equations. We have practiced dividing using arrays, drawing groups, and "flipping" multiplication equations.

"I really liked this activity because we got to do Math and Art at the same time and it helped me with Division." ~ Callie
"I really like Division because it's just like Multiplication, you just flip it around!" ~ Dillon
"Division is hard because you have to split the dividend into different equal groups." ~ Oscar
"I like Division because it's fun and it helps my brain. When I get to high school, it will help me more and I like Math. Division is easy because you take 3 numbers...start with the big number and then flip it around from the multiplication equation." ~ Enzo
"Division is kind of easy because it's basically just repeated subtraction." ~ Rochael
"I really like Division. Sometimes I come across a hard question and I just think about the Multiplication fact that's in the same fact family and that makes it easier for me." ~ Sadie
"I think Division is very fun. I learned that you can Division in different ways like using fact families or arrays." ~ Kimberly
"Division is harder than Multiplication. Division is the opposite of Multiplication." ~ Suzi
"I think Division is easy because you just need to flip around the Multiplication equation." ~ Michael
"I thought Division was more challenging when I first started it before we used fact families. Now it's easier." ~ Hudson

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