We've Got Mail!

Remember those letters we sent to the Government back in December? (click here to see our old blog post) Well, we've got responses!

On Wednesday, a letter arrived from the Prime Minister's office, and today four letters arrived from the Premier! 

Parents, be sure to ask your child all about the responses and what we've learned about having our voices heard!

"I feel good because Premier Kenney went out of his way to write me back instead of having his Communications Manager write back. His letter was very descriptive and it gave me lots of information of where to find more information." ~ Lawrence
"I feel very surprised and really happy that Premier Kenney acknowledged my letter. He actually read my letter." ~ Hudson
"It was pretty sad when we noticed that the two letters to Jane and James were exactly the same. Jason Nixon needs to read his mail more carefully because Jane and James wrote were about different topics." ~ Callie
"He did not read Jane's letter carefully. He was talking about Alberta's trees but Jane's letter was about using less palm oil to save orangutang." ~ Lillian
"For some reason, both Hudson and Lawrence got colouring pages." ~ Leo "It was also interesting because it was made out of a TON of paper and we had just sent a letter about how we wanted to save the forests and wetlands." ~ Lawrence
"I'm glad that Hudson and Lawrence got the letters and posters from Premier Kenney because you feel happy for them getting something from an important person. I'm really glad." ~ Dillon
"I'm just weirded out that Hudson and Lawrence got the exact same thing." ~ Lillian

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