Canadian Regions learning

Social Studies: I can make a personal connection to Alberta's/Canada's land and how people use it; I can explain how our stories contribute to our identity; I can develop research skills
Language Arts: I can retell what I've learned in my own words; I can use text features to access information

This year, we have been learning about Canada's regions through a variety of media. For each region, we have always started off by reading some of the Voices of Canada textbook. The textbook gives us an overview of the region, shows us maps and pictures to understand where it is and what the land is like, and tells stories from the different groups of people who have lived there. 

After each textbook introduction, we break into small groups (usually 3 kids) and we are each responsible for reading a 2-4 page section of the textbook. We need to take the information, turn it into our own words (paraphrase), then write jot notes on a sheet of paper. We use these notes when it's our turn to share with the class. 

Another way we have been learning about the land in each region is by studying artwork from each area. We have used the work of artists to test out different art media and styles. See our recent blog post to learn more!

So far this year, we have learned about the Cordillera region, the Interior Plains, the Canadian Shield, and now the Great Lakes-St Lawrence Lowlands region. We have two regions left to study: the Atlantic and the Arctic

Once we're finished learning about all 6 regions, Ms Elder says that we'll get to do a Tourism Project. Stay tuned to learn more!

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