Wheel Experiments

Science: I can explore simple machines; I can test designs and make changes to see improvement; I can use scientific vocabulary

Throughout this week, we have been learning about wheels and axels. We learned about how humans invented the wheels. Wheels weren't just used for going on cars but also for spinning clay, and grinding grain. Over time, mankind started evolving and making wheels lighter that could travel across the world. We now use spokes to make the wheel lighter. 

In these pictures, we tried to create our own set of human rollers, just like what were used to build the Egyptian pyramids.  We had some fun (or torture?) racing across the gym.

Today, we made "Wheelies" out of cardboard and toilet paper rolls. We had to make them roll down a ramp and go as far as possible. It was important to make changes to our design after testing to make it go further. 

"I learned that your wheels could be any size and you could have as many as you want. It was really fun!" ~ Callie
"I found that if you wanted to make your wheelie go farther, you had to make your wheels even." ~ Oscar
"When I tried to make a real life working car out of cardboard, it did not work." ~ Seb C
"I learned that trying to make stuff with wheels and enough force for it to go by itself can be really tricky to do with cardboard. I learned that Ms Elder has more fun and exciting activities planned for us!" ~ Iggy
"I found that if you used more weight, it would go faster. The more cardboard I added, the further and faster it went." ~ Lillian
"I found that building a set of wheels that cannot move by itself is really hard." ~ Leo
"It was really fun building these wheels and axels but it was super hard to be able to replicate one wheel. You'd trim it, then have to trim the other, and it took a lot of time." ~ Seb K
"I learned from other people's wheels that they weren't trimmed as well and the edges were more square and they didn't go as far." ~ Seb C
"I learned that it was amazing to do it but it was hard to do!" ~ Daniel


Congratulations to Seb C, Rochael, and Callie who were our Top Three finishers!!! 

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