Catapult Building!

Science: I can explore simple machines; I can test designs and materials and make changes to see improvement

Yesterday in class, we learned how to make catapults out of materials like: popsicle sticks, elastic bands, egg cartons, and hot glue. This relates to simple machines because catapults are levers, and we have been learning about simple machines.

Here are some student learning reflections: 

"I learned how to (1) build and (2) we made a type of lever." ~ Vance

"I learned a bit more of self-control when you are getting angry because the elastic bands would not go over the one part and I was super frustrated." ~ Callie

"I really liked this creation we did because you can build so much things from popsicle sticks and elastic bands and it was really fun." ~ Dillon

"Me and Kimberly made a double catapult!" ~ Suzi

"It was really fun testing out the catapults because I could practice on my friends and they wouldn't get hurt because we were using cotton balls." ~ Oscar

"I liked this activity because at the start, my catapult only had two directions. With trial and error, I was able to build more and learn from my mistakes." ~ Liam

"I was getting really angry because a lot of stuff didn't go how I thought it would go." ~ Hudson

"I liked this activity because we were able to create our own levers and use the method of trial and error. My partner and I made a couple of mistakes and we couldn't have learned those without testing over and over again. In the end, we got to fix them and it was a pretty good catapult." ~ Seb K


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