Wonder Wrap-Up


LA: I can organize my ideas using a chart or table; I can compare different kinds of media (book vs film)

We recently finished our class read aloud book, Wonder

As a follow-up activity, we chose a character in the book to write to and we gifted them a precept. For more info on that assignment, please click here

Wonder Precept letters have been marked and were handed out today. You can look over them with your child and let me know if you have any questions.

We are putting our Precept Faces up on the wall to remind us of those wise "words to live by."

On Friday, we watched the movie, Wonder. We discussed different ways to organize our ideas to show what is the same and different about the book. The students mentioned T-Charts and Venn Diagrams, which we have conveniently been studying in Math :) Students could choose the format they used. We paused the movie multiple times throughout to discuss the similarities and differences and added on to our charts. At the end of the movie, we talked about the pros and cons of each form of media. 

We are currently reading the "Julian Chapter." This is a companion book to Wonder. We get to see the same story through the eyes of Wonder's "villain".  This is an excellent launching point for our class discussions on empathy and bullying. 

There are a few other companion books that your child may be interested in. Pluto and Shingaling show the story from two other Wonder characters: Charlotte and Christopher. I will not be reading those in class. Your child may be interested in reading them with you at home (both are available for free at the public library).

Up next: Another great story that builds compassion and shows life through multiple characters' eyes.

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