Fence Art Painting
Art: I can explore different types of media.
Citizenship: I can take action to help better my community.
Today, we did painting for the fence art project. We were painting butterflies and flowers and bees and we were having help from Ms Monica. We got to paint any way we wanted: it was like free paint. There was one rule: we had to have eyes. Ms Monica said that if someone is passing by on the sidewalk, they can see how the paintings are looking at them cutely. This also makes them look like a collection.
In this project, we also did some co-operating to share the paints.
"It was fun getting to make things. You had to be really careful not to spill paint on things." ~ Iggy
"I learned that we should still have fun and still learn from it, like not to spill." ~ Dillon
"It was fun being able to paint your own design and it didn't have to be too detailed. If you wanted to, you could paint the whole thing purple." ~ Callie
"I think people's designs were great and incredible." ~ Maria
"I found that it was hard to shade. My original idea had me shading the butterfly wings but it's a lot harder to do that in paint." ~ Lawrence
"It was really fun because you could sit next to your friends and compliment each other on their paintings and designs." ~ Hazel