HOMEWORK: Simile Poem

Writing: I can write using descriptive language and literary devices (similes); I can write using a variety of sentence starters.
Art: I can use found objects to represent ideas; I can follow model artists.

Students are exploring literary techniques including descriptive language and similes. We are following a model author and artist, Hanoch Piven. We listened to two of his stories for examples: 

Students have brainstormed a list of 4-5 similes for one family member they'd like to write about. They have also listed the items they need to bring in from home on Tuesday to complete the artwork. A few students did not finish their similes, so they have taken their work home to complete. 

Before Tuesday, please:
  • Read your child's similes with them. You can ask them to explain what a simile is
  • Make sure they have completed 4-5 similes for one family member
  • Help them find their items (watch the two videos linked above for examples of the artwork)
  • Make sure they bring their items to school on or before Tuesday

Here is the Self-Evaluation the students will be using to assess their work. 

If you have any questions, please email me.

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