
Locked Room & Last Day

Yesterday, we were fortunate to be invited to do the Mobile Escape Room that the Grade 5/6's had organized. In groups of 5-6, we worked our way through the four centres that Logan and Mark of the Mobile Escape Room had set up for us.  There was an underwater submarine, a pharaoh's tomb, a time machine, and a puzzle-making station.  We had to use teamwork to figure out clues, solve puzzles, and piece information together to escape. Here are a few pics of us in action! Trying to Unlock the Submarine Door! Switches On and Off Types of Codes Creating a puzzle for the next team to solve Exploring the Time Machine You might think this was all fun and games, but actually, there were a lot of science connections from our learning this year:  "We learned about simple machines this year and these escape rooms and escape objects had a lot of simple machines in them, like in the time machine where there were gears." ~ Vance "They used simple machines in the tomb of pharaohs ...

Stampede Activity Day!

Bucking Bronco Here are some pics and quotes from today's activity day! "I liked how I walked into the classroom and saw on the whiteboard schedule "hot dogs" !" ~ Hudson "I liked it when we got to play the games in the gym because they were so fun!" ~ Callie "I liked the painting with the Grade 1/2 buddies. We got to spend time with them and be really creative." ~ Sadie "I liked when I saw that there was hot dogs." ~ Seb C "I liked the activities in the gym because they were amazing." ~ Daniel "I liked the parachute activities in the gym because it was the first time I've used a parachute and I really had fun playing mouse trap." ~ Tanya "I liked the bucking broncos game. I kept imagining the humans flying all over the place on the horse." ~ Leo Lasso Art with our Buddies Mouse Trap Horse Corral We also Line Danced with Ms Halima to Cotton-Eyed Joe!

Summer Solstice

  SS: I can appreciate oral stories and how they teach us about Indigenous People and life lessons Art: I can experiment with different media Oki ! Happy Summer Solstice and National Indigenous Peoples Day! We learned about local Indigenous cultures and their Summer Solstice celebrations today in a few ways.  We started our day by learning about Natoosi (the sun, in Blackfoot) from Elder Saa'kokoto online. We listened to the Chickadee Story from Chantelle (Metis) online and participated in the Summer Solstice song gifted to the CBE by the Metis people.  We also worked on learning how to braid (either a basic 3-strand braid or an advanced 6-strand braid). This relates to the documentary we watched a few months ago called, Braves Wear Braids (click here, if you'd like to watch it at home) .  Yesterday, we also watched a clip from a documentary by Ryan Heavy Head (a knowledge keeper from Lethbridge). This was teaching us about animal behaviour during the Flower Moon p...

Reading Groups

This week, we're finishing up our last round of Reading Groups.  Over the past two months, we've been reading novels in small groups. Ms Elder let us choose between three novel choices for each group. We chose to read: The Legend of Skull Cliff, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Fudge-a-mania, The Magician's Nephew, and Castle in the Attic .  Each time we read, we record in our mediated journals the questions and predictions we have, as well as a chapter summary for each chapter. These are the skills we've been practicing this year to develop our reading skills. We're finishing up our mediated journals to make sure they communicate our understanding of our book. Look for them later this week when we bring them home.

Reader Rock Garden

Exploring the garden SS: I can learn the stories of our past and how that impacts the present; I can think about the personal legacy I'd like to leave behind; I can learn by primary and secondary sources LA: I can summarize information in my own words On Wednesday, we visited the Reader Rock Garden. It was developed by William Reader over a hundred years ago. He was really good at gardening and landscaping and he loved trying different plants to see if they would grow. He had around 4000 plant species in his original garden! Mr Reader was also responsible for developing city parks around Calgary. Originally, the Reader Rock Garden was his private home. Now, it's public gardens. The city has tried to keep the gardens looking as original as possible.  While at the gardens, we learned about many famous Calgarians and how they made an impact on the city. Here are our summaries of each person and the legacies they left. The Cross Family "We are writing about the Cross family an...

Fractions & Decimals

"One, two three..flip!" Students are looking at the board where we have magnetic fraction strips set up to check which is larger Math: I can demonstrate the relationship between fractions and decimals; I can compare fractions. To finish up the year in Math, we are exploring fractions and decimals. We've represented fractions as pictures (either as parts of a whole or parts of a set), and we've found equivalent fractions (ex: 1/2 is equal to 2/4). We've also practiced reading and writing fractions, using words, such as (4/5 is "four fifths").  Grade 4's have practiced comparing fractions with either the same numerator (ex: 1/5 < 1/4) or the same denominator (1/5 < 3/5). They enjoyed a game where I challenged them with really large numbers into the thousands. They found a trick to look at the denominator and think: Are the pieces the same size? Which will have bigger pieces? Grade 5's worked on finding equivalent fractions. They quickly disco...

Puberty Homework

The Grade 4 students are completing an assignment called " The Me to Be ". The instructions and hand out are posted in the Google Classroom for reference.  Grade 4s, this is a reminder that you may want to ask your parents for help remembering back to what you were like in Grade 1. You may also want to gather materials to bring in for your collage.  We will be working on them Monday . Please come prepared to work on your collage then. I'll have glue, scissors, and paper ready. :)     Grade 5 students have a crossword puzzle for homework that must be completed WITH a trusted adult. This is to help build their support network for who they can ask Puberty-related questions to. This homework is due Friday, June 17 .